What makes us the BEST BIKE HELMET FOR KIDS on the market?
We listened to the feedback from parents about other multi sports helmet falling apart quickly and not providing enough protection for kids, so we went back to the drawing board because we realized that we could do even better!
We now have a number of market leading features which the competition may not have:
CPSC Certified
Since the safety of your child is our number one priority, each SG Dreamz girls/boys bike helmet meets ALL CPSC criteria and comes with a shock-absorbing expanded polystyrene shell (EPS) to drastically reduce the impact of a collision or fall.
Adjustable Straps
The ultra soft and fully adjustable straps will keep the helmet firmly in place on your child's head until he/she is ready to take it off. It will not slide around or fall off like the inferior helmets sold by others!
Cost Effective
Adjust the youth helmet horizontally or vertically using the wheel ratchet at the back of the helmet for a tighter and snugger fitting. Continue adjusting the DIAL FIT as your child grows, so one helmet can serve your children from age 3 till they clock 8.
Exciting Colors Design
Beautifully made in a cool racing design and available in black, blue and pink, our bike helmet will renew the love your kids had for cycling, skating, rollerblading and more!
Package Includes:
1 x Kids Bike Helmet with Bag
Dads, Mums, Uncles, Aunts & Grandparents!!! Buy This Kids Helmet To Protect Your Little Ones! CLICK THE YELLOW ADD TO CART BUTTON TO BUY NOW!
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