The Kinderfeets Super is the bigger version of our Kinderfeets Classic Balance bike.
For kids ages 5-7 that were not interested in a balance bike before the age of 4 and for the kids that need the extra years of #notrainingwheels. It's cushioned seat adjusts from 16.5 to 21".
The Kinderfeets Super can help kids with all abilities transitioning to a regular, pedal bicycle without the anxiety of falling.
The Kinderfeets Super is not just a bigger Kinderfeets. It is also a more grown up bike with a bell, metal spokes and a hand brake.
Dutch Designed and inspired by the bicycling lifestyle of the Dutch, Kinderfeets is committed to providing an eco-friendly, design forward, quality push bike that encourages children and their families to live an active, creative, and adventurous lifestyle. Kinderfeets Super is handmade and an award-winning wooden push bike featuring a patented design.